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3 Must-have tips for a Wattpader

Updated: Jan 18, 2019

Whether reader or writer, here are the things for you to get attention from your favorite author or to become a favorite writer.

1. Being friendly doesn't hurt.

For the reader:

When reading a book on Wattpad, votes and comments may seem like a waste of time. However, as a writer I can tell you that my favorite part of the day is when I get to sit down and look through all my past comments- past and present.

When should you comment?: Whenever you want to!

Commenting can be from anything- a quote they used and you liked, a gif from your favorite movie or truly anything. One of my most popular comment section comes from a battle between people saying that orange Popsicle are terrible or the best flavor. It makes me laugh every time I think about it.

What about if I have something not so nice to say?:

If you don't think it's nice, then don't comment it. When I first began getting hate, I couldn't deal with it. I was insecure about my writing. Now I just laugh at hate and my favorite part is when my dedicated readers come to my defense.

I will say that it's okay to not like parts of the book. But, the chose is to either leave the book or to leave a simple comment like: "I didn't like this chapter. I wish...." or "I really don't like this character because...". Not everyone is going to love all writing and if you truly need to comment about it, make it simple and don't drag it on. The writing can learn from it but, you also don't want a writer to stop writing completely due to rude comments.

For the writer

There isn't a whole lot of advice I can give to writers just because I've never had a bad experience with one. However, I do have a few things I'd like to share.

Giving back the love:

Going back on the topic of commenting- there is no better feeling of being replied to. I can remember when a writer would reply to my comment and it felt like my world was glowing. Even a simple heart emoji means that you care enough to read what your reader have to say and in the end- your readers mean everything.


Writing on the conversation tab is the best way to keep in touch with your writers. A simple update on how your own life is going can build relationships. I do this by talking about struggles with college and I will usually get replies back wishing me luck or they discuss how they are having the same problems. Besides that, you can reply back on private messages! These are the perfect way to get to know your readers on a more personal level.

2. Getting attention

For the reader:

So, you really want an author to pay attention to you? Maybe it is fanart or maybe it's just a book recommendations.

You have three options:

1. The best way is to comment. Commenting is the key to everything because it lets the writer know you care.

2. Private message them. A simple message will do. Don't worry if you haven't gotten a response within a few days because writers get busy too. If a month has gone by and nothing happens, I would try again. I've gotten a few readers who message me insane questions and slowly get more aggressive with time and wonder why I won't answer.

Please don't become aggressive.

3. Write on their board. Now, some writers get annoyed by this but, I personally do not and it's actually the first thing I notice. If you have a burning question that simply cannot wait, this is the place I'd go.

For the writer:

You've got the idea, a couple chapters and still no reads- now what?

Here are the do and do not's

DO message people: You are now the advocate for your writing and you've got to put the book out there! Message people with similar tastes to what your book is about. Tell them it's new and you just want some advice. This is how I got my first book Marked on the Wattpad map. I had never written supernatural at all and I figured that I might as well message people to give me their honesty. Now, I have followers from the very beginning who I have close online relationships with.

DO have regular updates: Regular updates are crucial in the beginning of your book. This can make your book or cause it to fall under the million other of books posted on Wattpad.

Pick a day that is the best for you to get it done:

- When do you not have classes?

- When do you not work?

- What day do you not have some type of meeting or practice?

DO NOT go to another writer and ask for a shout out: This honestly is just annoying and disrespectful. As a writer, I can say it feels like you are using us for your own benefit- which in retrospect it is exactly what you are doing. As I said before, you've got to put in the dirty work and do it yourself.

3. Read Something You Never Expected To

For the reader:

Reading is everything to us but, if you're only reading one genre, aren't you getting a little bored?

Reading is everything to us but, if you're only reading one genre, aren't you getting a little bored? I was into supernatural, I was strictly chick-lit. I still love a good-girl / bad-boy story (who doesn't!?) but, after being on Wattpad for years, they all started to seem more alike and the stories got boring. I found a few originals but, even then they didn't have the same spark they used to. So, I found a sci-fyi romance and I was like "holy shit this is amazing". After that, I focused on the true meaning of descriptions like love, loss and struggles rather than how many boys fight over one girl or how a boy ends up rebelling against a futuristic alien invasion to only fall in love with one.

For the writer:

Struggling with an idea? Time to pick up a book:

When I can't write, I go to music or books. Books help us writers get inspiration. You've got an idea but, can't write it on paper. Something is missing. Going into other works means you can find it. The love story you're trying to write might need a murder involved. Or maybe the girl was actually working for his parents so he got out of the house. Maybe it's the setting? Instead of today, go post apocalyptic or mid 50's. Either way, books help us get back to remembering why we do what we do- to create a world that we enjoy. So by picking up a book we usually wouldn't, we can get inspiration on what we may want to incorporate in our own words.

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